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Reignite Power in Your Relationships.

I help men who feel trapped regain clarity and become the ONE she's always wanted by addressing old patterns and leveraging the power of self-caring commitments.

Don't compromise your Self.

Seek a higher TRUTH together.

Commitment doesn't have to be scary

when you commit to your SELF.

3 Tools I Use to Transform Your Relationships

All success starts with you.   Forget goals.

If you want to stay fulfilled, you need better systems.

Love is always necessary, but not sufficient.

To sustain and grow your relationships, you need skills like any professional.

How we planned our last digital detox
Our cabin adventure | Intermittent digital fasting for mental clarityOn this episode, we discussed:How and why we didn’t settle when[...]
Tonight's webinar on EMF in schools
Shelley Wright: retired teacher, director of Canadian Educators For Safe TechnologyDear Powerful Humans,Join us tonight at 7pm EST with Shelley[...]
4 lessons from our recent digital detox
How we found connection in disconnectionHere’s what we’ll learn in this article:1. Why we shouldn’t settle when designing a digital[...]

I was frustrated with my lack of professional progression.I seemed like no mater what I did I wasn't advancing in my skills. I thought I had hit the ceiling of my writing abilities. After taking the  course the whole way I looked at writing transformed. My writing process was streamlined. But not just that, my writing actually got significantly better.

Dave Walker

New Media Writer

I had been out of the industry for a few years and wanted to strengthen my writing skills. The real world practical exercises really helped me re-integrate into the news writing world. After having one of my articles published in ClickJournal's Magazine I got my first job!

Paul Farmiga 

Affiliate Press Writer

Reach for a Higher Love.

Join a Tribe of Men Who Never Settle.

Want to learn how You Can Use the Power Inside of You to Generate Better Relationships?

Download our FREE guide to learn the 5 secrets of Transforming Your Male Energy
